Did I Give My Toddler A Mullet?

This year for some reason or another lice have been running rampant throughout my kids’ school. The second grade in particular has been hard hit. Somehow August has been largely exempt from this, but Déla got hit a few weeks ago. Thankfully she didn’t get it nearly as bad as some others, but we had to get her treated, washed everything (twice) and took other preventative measures.


poor kid has no idea

Is that the end of the story? Of course not.

August and Ciárán had haircuts scheduled, but as one of the preventative measures, we had their heads buzzed. I’ve had short hair for years, ever since it has been thinning and receding. The other day, however, Laura was checking Xavier and found lice on him. 23 months old, and he’s got lice.


ready to go

Thing is, Xavier has this massive head of hair since we’ve never cut it. I know some parents have gone longer without getting their child’s first haircut, though as far as I know, most get it done somewhere around the year and a half mark. Since Xavier is most likely our last kid, we’ve been doing things in a way to savor these experiences. This, however, is not necessarily something to savor.

We took it as a sign it was time to cut Xavier’s hair.Strapping him into his portable high chair went well enough. Alright, almost all high chairs are portable, since they aren’t industrially welded to the floor or whatever. Point is, we took him out back, strapped him in, and started buzzing. It was heartbreaking, really, having to do this to the little guy. We wanted to make his first haircut something much more of a pleasant occasion, and under much more pleasant circumstances.

the mullet in question

About halfway through I stopped and looked at my youngest child. Yes, indeed, he had a mullet. It would appear to be time to take a picture to preserve the moment for posterity, as this is a haircut I would never allow my kids to have under virtually any circumstances.


The rest of the haircut went as expected (as in plenty of tears). It was such a shock to see this little boy who had a massive head of hair to suddenly have it all gone. He looked different. He also looked exactly like Ciárán did at that age.


Then Laura began checking everybody else, and lo and behold, there was more lice to be found. August and Ciárán go their hair buzzed (which was already short as a preventative measure, and obviously not working). Laura checked my head just to be sure. And there it was. 44 years old and I’ve never had lice – until last weekend.









I got my already short hair buzzed even further. Now August, Ciárán, Xavier and I have the same haircut. I haven’t had my hair this short since I was in the Army, and I don’t like the brillo pad feel my head has. Part of me feels like dipping my head in bleach would be preferable. I’m also pretty sure my kids might feel the same way.