It’s been only one week. And I’m getting this posted on Friday!!
Last week I mentioned how the kids were on spring break and we hit a couple of places, including the zoo, but I was going to have those pictures this week. Here they are, starting with Ciárán and Xavier chilling in the penguin exhibit.
You can hardly see the older boys, but they all got to ride the carousel.
Tevye got a little too close to a peacock perhaps.
Despite the drizzle the lions were out. Of course they weren’t doing anything.
The Emerald City Feis took place last weekend. It wasn’t Déla’s worst feis performance, but she didn’t do as good as she had hoped.
For the “Hat/Mask Reel Special” we forgot to bring her hat. So we improvised.
She got first place.
Here she is practicing the 4 hand before taking the stage.
She danced a lot that day. It took 62 bobby pins and 9 barrettes to hold her hair up.
Xavier, Déla and I played Exploding Kittens and Simon’s Cat one night. Lots of fun (especially when we remembered the rules).
Finally, it was Laura’s spring break this week while the kids were back in school. We went out for lunch one day to celebrate Kyle’s 26th birthday. Yes, Kyle was there with us, but not in the picture.