2018 Oireachtas Adventure

2018 Oireachtas Adventure

This was the first year that Déla was able to participate in the annual Western U.S. Oireachtas (pronounced “or-ok-tus”) where there are individual competitors, but the big draw and major focus of the event is the schools themselves compete in teams.

We came down Thursday evening, meaning she would miss Friday of school to compete. Here she is in line, early in the day to do her one solo dance.

It took forever to have the results posted, and she didn’t place, unfortunately, but her competition was some of the top students, and a lot of them, from essentially the western half of the country. Disappointed, yes, but not upset.

Saturday we were up even earlier to start on hair and makeup. I got the process started, but doing hair just isn’t something  I have a lot of practice with and having it done a specific way for a unified team look, well, I needed help.

Here is the finished product.

The first of two dances she was in, this one being the four hand.

Practicing the second dance, the 8 hand.

Here is the team just after they danced.

Again, it took a long time to get the results posted, and again she didn’t place, but knowing she and her teammates did the best they could, and represented their school with pride, and the fact it was her first oireachtas, well, she was able to hold her head high at the end.

Here is, well, not everybody, but a lot of the teams.

It wasn’t all dancing this weekend. We were able to head over to Powell’s, the first time in a very long time for me (which, if you are not familiar, is an AMAZING book store) and we managed to get out of there only spending $35. We also were able to hit Portland’s Saturday Market.

And with all the times I have been to Portland, I have never been to Voodoo Doughnuts. Then again, neither has Déla.

The competition continues on Sunday, but Déla isn’t part of those dances so we’ll be heading home.