I am just going to post a few pictures from this summer’s trip to Boy Scout Camp. Part of the reason has to do with the fact I was acting Scoutmaster, busy keeping track of everybody (for the most part, there were many times I didn’t know where my two boys were). The other reason for not many pictures is I was busy with my own classwork. I took Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills, in preparation for my new role as Assistant Scoutmaster for the troop.
This summer we went to Camp Easton in Idaho, a beautiful area and the camp has a lot to offer, including a full aquatics merit badge offering. The ranges were uphill and it was not a small change in elevation.
The dining hall had a number of mementos from other troops over the years, and the food offerings were quite good, even the vegetarian options for us.
Here I am with the structure I helped to build with three others who were in my Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills class.
One of the big events of the week is the Highland Games, and one of the events was jousting (with pool noodles).
And trivia.
I could post pictures of the environment, the red sunsets or things like that, but really, they aren’t that interesting. The pictures from the campfire where the troop was awarded with Honor Troop, a special discretionary award the Camp Rangers gave out came out a bit blurry. Next summer I should have some more and better pictures of camp.