An Update On Updates

You may have noticed a severe drop in the rate of blog posts as of late. Then again, maybe not. Either way, the fact remains that I haven’t had the chance over the last couple of months to spend the extra time to write up about my life and what has been going on as well as my general opinions of the videogame and home video industries. It isn’t for lack of anything to say, simply a matter of time.


At the beginning of September I began a new job as a Crossing Guard. It takes only a couple of hours a day, but since I’m the only one updating Digital Entertainment News on a daily basis, those are a couple of hours that I usually spent working on the website. Between my new position placing myself in the middle of the road as well as taking care of the children at home there’s only a certain amount of time I have to update the website.


It should be noted that this is not a “whiny” post, because I’m not full of self-pity or anything of the sort. I actually enjoy the time spent being a crossing guard, and find it to be the most rewarding stuff (other than being a parent) I’ve done in a long time.


With a reduced set of time to work on the website, I have to arrange my priorities a little differently. Between posting the daily news and spending time to write up some reviews, my day is full. Actually, the couple of hours I have dedicated to keeping children and their families safe as they go to and from school prevents me from getting as much writing done as I have previously, let alone adding new stuff such as blog posts.


So what’s my solution? I’ve decided to take a day off every once in a while to catch up on stuff that I’ve lost time for. With over 10 hours a week gone from working on the website, I need to make up for it somehow, otherwise I’m not only going to simply get further behind, but also completely stressed out, which isn’t a good thing. So now I’ll be taking a day and instead of updating the website I’ll use that time to play games and videos for review as well as get some more writing accomplished.


It’s a decision that I’m quite happy with, and hopefully the end result will benefit website.


Oh, I’m well aware that I have some contributors who also turn in reviews, but they are just that – contributors and not staff members. Heck, I had to pick up a part time job on my own to keep the lights on (so to speak) so it’s not like I can be paying these people.