Phamily Foto Phriday

My daughter Dela has had a rough week of it. Things started off bad enough with an ear infection but that wouldn’t be enough. After a trip to the doctor and a round of antibiotics, her health just wouldn’t improve. She had a cough that wouldn’t go away and it was keeping her up at night so she couldn’t sleep. Wednesday it just got to the point where we had to take her back to the doctor. She developed Pneumonia, as well as developing an ear infection in both ears. She needed to get two shots of antibiotics before leaving the doctor’s office as well as a new round of medications and whatnot.

That night, she finally began to feel better, her cough was subsiding and she finally was getting some sleep. Then after a couple of hours, we heard a massive thump and Dela crying – turns out she had fallen out of her bed. She shares a room with her brother August, who was doing his best to stay asleep. We wanted to keep him in bed and get Dela back in bed, so we didn’t turn on the light and just put her back in bed. She kept crying, saying that she bumped her head. We couldn’t quite understand why she kept on crying. The next morning we found out why she was so upset.

If your child falls out of bed, you might want to turn on the light and actually look at your child… unlike me. This picture doesn’t quite do the damage done to her face justice.

pham foto dec 18