
Ciárán just turned 4 years old. He is one of the silliest kids I have ever met, and I’ve met a lot. There are things he comes up with that we refer to as “Ciáránisms” – little saying that are almost legitimate, but something is a bit off and they wind up being really funny. Yesterday, for example, Ciárán and his 8 year old brother August were building space ships out of tubes. During the big space battle Ciárán announced his ship shoots big pieces of broccoli.

Another of his more infamous saying was “Did you know, your bottom is a private part, even though it has a hole in it.”

Once, during circle time for preschool, they were talking about places people went for vacation. Ciárán mentioned our trip to Mount Rainer. “I visited Mount Reindeer. And you know what? There were no reindeer!”

There’s more, and I’ll share some again soon.