This is not the blog post I had planned. Originally I was … well, never mind. I’ll come back to that later this week probably. Today, however, I am forced again to hastily slap something together at the last minute to keep current with NaBloPoMo.
My plan was to type up my blog post during the 45 minutes while both Ciárán and Déla are at gymnastics. I would sit with my laptop, glancing up from the computer screen every minute or so to “check in” on them while they tumble about and I would type out what I have been planning to all morning. Throughout the day I took care of some other writing, some errands, and other things around the house.
One of those errands did not include going to the grocery store. I had actually planned my entire week on not going to the grocery store today. I knew I would have to go tomorrow, that’s just when I would need to pick up at least some more milk and fruit. I had already gone yesterday and the day before. Actually last night I picked up a few more things than I had initially planned to just because I didn’t want to have to go back today.
Unfortunately, just as I was getting ready to take Ciárán and Déla to gymnastics, I realized I had forgotten one crucial ingredient to what we were to have for dinner. It was simmering away and would be ready when we returned from gymnastics, but we did need this one thing.
Now I would absolutely have to go to the store today. Not only that, I would actually have to leave my children at gymnastics while I went to the store. This might not seem a big deal to you, a lot of parents drop their kids off and run errands during that hour. My kids (at least these two) aren’t particularly clumsy, so I’m not really worried about them getting hurt, and there’s so many other people there I’m not worried anything untoward would happen. No, it’s that this is gymnastics class, not day care, and I don’t want to treat it as such. I’m pretty sure the gymnastics people don’t too.
Fortunately there’s a Trader Joe’s less than 5 minutes away. I love Trader Joe’s. I got two bags of groceries for just under $50. How awesome is that?
I got back to gymnastics in plenty of time, but I didn’t have time to type anything out, and certainly not a blog post that I had planned nor would be in any way compelling. After dinner was a number of other things to take care of (family related), and I still hadn’t finished my other work for the day. So I hastily cobbled this post together, sort of as an apology (more realistically as an excuse) for not having something more interesting to read for today’s NaBloPoMo entry.