Came across a photograph of my oldest son yesterday. Actually it was his 5th grade picture from 9 years ago. Seems so long ago, and also just like it was yesterday. I remember distinctly volunteering in the classroom twice a week (usually with the science kits), something I had been doing pretty much for the last few years.
When I started working from home at a different website, I had a much more flexible schedule. When Kyle was in the second grade I would sometimes pick him up from school, be available to help in the class as needed, help out with other school activities (such as the talent show) and whatnot. It wasn’t until 3rd grade, really, that I volunteered a lot of my time in the classroom.
I got to know several of his classmates pretty well, and not the ones he was friends with. It’s funny, sort of, how I got to know the kids more than I did their parents. It’s so much the other way around now. With my current crop of school-age children, I know most of the parents in August’s class, about half of the kids. For Déla I know just a few of the classmates and several of the parents.
Looking at this picture of Kyle’s 5th grade class, it got me to wondering where some of these kids wound up. Are they in college? Did the ones I expect to do well in school because they were always so “on top of it” continue that trend? Did any of them have troubles?
I hope they are all okay. I wonder how my son is doing today. The days of having him light up when I walk into his classroom are gone. Now I’m the one who lights up when he sends me a text message.