NaBloPoMo Lessons

What did I learn from participating in National Blog Post Month?


Writing is hard. But I already knew that. Did I become a better writer? No. Did I gain any additional insight? No. I’ve been writing “professionally” for 10+ years now. I think I have sort of hit a major plateau as far as writing skills go. As far as actual writing content, as in what my blog posts are about, I think my life is such right now with so many disparate directions I am being pulled in, I simply am unable to have the regular focus a blog usually demands.

Alright, maybe I did learn a little something about myself. I probably already knew that, however, and didn’t want to admit it. *shrug*

I did learn that none of you care. Out of the 30 blog posts I got 0 comments. Zero as in none. Not one comment on anything. On a blog post where I am struggling to come up with stuff, no “keep at it” type of comments. On a blog post about some of the stuff my kids have done there were no “how cute” or “your kids are weird” comments. Thanksgiving, The Muppets, religion, or parenting? None of those posts got a comment.
