Lameness In Parenting

As lame as it is, I have to be honest. I sprained my ankle putting my toddler in the stroller.

I was on my way to pick up Ciárán from pre-school. I had to get Xavier up from his nap, put him in the stroller and head over. The way the back of our house is situated, there’s a storm drain right by the back door, where I had placed the stroller. I got Xavier up, changed his diaper, then got on his shoes and coat.

Things were going just fine, really, with no indication anything would go wrong. I know better now, and will always park the stroller about 6 inches away from the storm drain now.

The storm drain is rectangular and runs almost the whole width of our back door. It has a depression from the rest of the sidewalk of about an inch. I was standing on that (very) short slope when, as I placed Xavier in the stroller, I lost balance. Losing my balance wouldn’t have been a big deal, however, since I was on a small incline, I lost my balance even further. My foot followed the trajectory of the incline to the storm drain, and my body wanted to keep going in a horizontal motion back into the house.

I never saw what actually happened to my foot, which direction it bent. It happened so quickly, all total less than a full second, really, I couldn’t even tell you which way I fell with my body. I just know one minute I was bent over the stroller, and the next I was huddled in pain teaching my toddler a new word. I repeated it enough he actually learned it too.

While I have been trying to keep off of it, that hasn’t always been possible. No, I’m not going to the doctor. They won’t tell me anything I don’t already know.

Now I get to hobble around for a while, attempting to have my toddler unlearn a word.