Napping Or Not

At 21 months he is not really needing both morning and afternoon naps. Depending on when he wakes in the morning, either the morning or the afternoon nap has been good, with the other being … well, a challenge.

One day last week I put Xavier down for his morning nap. I turn on the monitor and hear him playing. This goes on for about a half hour, which is normal. Then it gets quiet. I assume he’s falling asleep.


The house resounded with what was very obviously the sound of a toddler landing on the floor.

I wanted to make sure he was alright. I wanted to make sure he didn’t wander around upstairs unsupervised and possibly fall down the stairs. There was even a part of me that was thinking I might be able to put him back in his crib to finish nap.

I rushed upstairs.

Flinging the door open was a mistake. Xavier was reaching for the door handle trying to open it. In opening the door I wound up knocking Xavier backwards. That’s when he started crying. Apparently he was uninjured, at least, until I whacked him with the door.

And that’s the end of morning nap.