Things Dads Love

While “out and about” virtually, I came across Kevin Uncool’s post about an idea put forth by David from It’s Not A Lecture. I’m a little pressed for time at the moment, so I will get right to the point of listing off three things I love about being a father.


1. Spending time with my kids


Working from home over the last several years (I don’t know how many off the top of my head – 12 maybe?) has given me the opportunity to be a real presence in the lives of my kids. Sure I’ve gone out of town routinely for junkets and conferences, but the day to day stuff I was there for. Most dads miss out on that. I have, at least with my four younger kids, the same relationship, or as close to it as possible, as most kids do with their mother. This has long been a goal of mine, and while it has been tough with the loss of income, the rewards are far greater.


2. Getting To The Game


If you knew me in real life, you would be surprised at this. My wife is completely baffled by this relatively recent development in my personality. I am, by absolutely no stretch of the imagination, athletic. I haven’t outwardly cared for sports much. Now, however, I have an excuse to get out to the ballpark and watch the Mariners. I’m not a rabid fanatical follower, nor do I have statistics floating in my head, but I like baseball, I like going to the game, and I love being able to take my kids and sharing the experience with them.


3. Pickup And Dropoff


Those moments when your kids run out of the classroom with a smile on your face – yeah, those are pretty much awesome. I love being able to take my kids to and from school (a block away) every day. We chit-chat about stuff and use that time to solidify our connections. It is also simply a satisfying feeling, at least it is to me, when they break away from me to get in line on the playground.