I Would Never

Parenting is a heck of a job. Even with my 5th child I find myself doing things I never thought I would.

So there I was at Fred Meyer, in the middle of running a variety of errands, and I needed to… uh… “use the facilities” (to turn a phrase). Over the years I’ve used a variety of public restrooms, and one of the more recent developments is the toddler seat, sometimes referred to as a “safe-sitter”. I always thought these things were ridiculous. I would feel bad for strapping my kid in a restraint on the wall.


This sucks dad. Quit taking my picture and let me run free!

Yeah, I used it. Xavier turns 2 in a couple of weeks and is all over the place. I wound up putting Xavier in the seat and strapping him so I could do what I needed to without worrying about his safety.


As time has gone on, I have done things I never thought I would. Parenthood will do that to you, even as you get experienced at it, you may think you would never do something, but a few kids later things change.


Any of you parents out there do things you thought you would never do? Even after you had kids?