For August At 9

You are our miracle child. We thought we had lost you before you were born, yet here you are, 9 years later.

There is so much that can be said about the (admittedly near negligible) brain damage and pain, but what I find remarkable is how you endure all of this with a smile.


It seems as if you have absorbed the personality of whatever twin you may have possibly had. You have always been a bit “larger than life” and we are so privileged to be part of yours. There are things about your large personality that make me smile just thinking about them.


You never met a baby you didn’t like. You used to get so excited around babies you would shake with excitement.


You have a gentleness about you towards animals and people both. Even your “enemies” – we are all deserving of God’s love and forgiveness and you help us see that.


You are appreciative. When you say “Thank you” you mean it. And you say it often.


You are smart, imaginative, creative, and so many more adjectives that you deserve but I am unable to think of. I wish I could come up with words that can do you justice.


I love you August. Happy birthday!