My wife, August (age 9) and I were talking early Saturday afternoon in the front room. I don’t remember what we were discussing. Nothing terribly important. The topic of choices and sacrifices came up. My wife asked August if he had to chose which to give up, would it be video games or LEGOs.
He thought about that for a while.
Then he thought about it for a while longer.
Finally, frustrated with his inability to make a choice, we made the transition from rhetorical to practical. He would have to actually give up one or the other for the rest of the 3 day weekend (Monday was a day off in commemoration of Veteran’s Day). You would have thought Old Yeller had died.
Finally he made the choice to give up his precious LEGOs for the rest of the weekend. It is now Monday. The weekend is not yet over. He hasn’t played nearly as much video games as he thought he might, but he does have yet to pick up a LEGO to play with.