The First


I could tell this was going to be an unusual question. Ciárán, age 5 and Xavier, age 2 were sitting at the table eating lunch. Usually when Ciárán says something during lunch it’s a statement.


“Did you put jelly on my sandwich?”

“No, why?”


This is a major point of contention. Ciárán likes cheese sandwiches and Xavier likes peanut butter and jelly. I’m not necessarily one for custom orders at meal times, but a small easy to fix sandwich routine is alright. Every once in a while I will mess up and switch the sandwiches, but that’s easily fix.


“Then what’s this?”


I went over to look. Sure enough, there was some red on his sandwich. I checked to make sure I had indeed given him the basic cheese sandwich (bread, mayo, cheese) and not the peanut butter and jelly. With the correct lunch order assured my mind immediately went to the next logical step.


“Open your mouth, please.”




After some investigation it appeared that wiggly tooth not only came out, but had gone missing. Ciárán didn’t just lose a tooth – he actually lost a tooth!


Turned out fellow Seattle dad blogger, twitter pal and newly again dad to his adoptive newborn daughter James (of Luke I Am Your Father fame) had a similar tale. His 5 and 1/2 year old Lukas (hence the blog’s title) had also lost his first tooth! Fortunately they fared a bit better than we did.

After some discussion with people on twitter and family members, we decided to leave a note for the Tooth Fairy.



It worked, fortunately. Ciárán found a dollar under his pillow this morning. What could have been a traumatic experience, of losing and then actually losing your first tooth was turned into a very positive one. His older siblings have had several teeth plucked by the Tooth Fairy, so he was looking forward to joining the club.

Lon Chaney, Jr. be damned