I missed a few of the Phamily Foto Phriday posts, and have a few random pictures from the last few months to share.
“It’s All Too Much” was recorded for Magical Mystery Tour, but left off of that album and would find a place in Yellow Submarine. It’s a hazy sort of love song that sees the narrator overcome with love. There are also some rather silly bits of lyric (“All the world is birthday cake, so take a piece but not too much”) and I’m sure some of it was drug inspired. BeatleSongs doesn’t have much to say about the song and Tell Me Why doesn’t like the song because the “subtleties are scattered” and at 6 minutes long has a “lack of immediacy.”
Here’s Xavier from about the middle of November. Just hangin’ out.
A few days later we had to take up the back stairs. I won’t go into why, you don’t really want to know. Here are the four younger kids, however, having a little fun being trapped in the dungeon.
We end with Kyle, modeling his Christmas present, full-body Batman pajamas. And yes, that is a cape.