I Don’t Have A Baby So What Is My Excuse For Feeling Sleep Deprived?

When I woke up today I had some great ideas for blog posts. The problem was I woke up at 1:30 in the morning.

Why? I don’t know. Thankfully none of the kids woke up at that time. Nobody was sick, no nightmares, nothing. That bothered me because waking up at 1:30 in the morning is irritating enough, but to not have a good reason? That’s just mean.

One of the blog post ideas had to do with August, my 9 year old, and playdates. Or video games. I couldn’t quite tell. I had typed out some notes when I finally succumbed to not being asleep and came downstairs at 2:30 in the morning. When I went back to turn them into a more cohesive blog post, there were a couple of good sentences, but most of what I had written was gobbledygook.

I spell-checked gobbledygook. That’s correct.

Another post idea I apparently had dealt with cheese. This was inspired by a couple of tweets yesterday between myself and a couple of other parties. That went nowhere.

After a while I did a few other things, and when the clock (virtually) struck 4 I started working on a review. It was a simple review (for a different website) but it took a while to get done. By the time I got it done I was feeling tired enough to try and go back to sleep. Only problem was that it was time to get up and start the day.

It’s now mid-morning. No, looking at the clock, it’s closer to noon. To say I’m tired is an understatement. I’m going to need to pay closer attention to the clock if I’m going to get Ciárán to preschool on time today.

I know this feeling, the teetering on the edge, almost punch-drunk, sort of a combination of too much NyQuil and coffee.

Since what I attempted to write earlier today was so bad, I offer this up instead. I’m beginning to think the gobbledygook would have been better.