Potty Training Tip #17

“I don’t need to go potty!”

I’m putting my toddler down for nap. We arrive home from dropping off Ciárán at preschool and Xavier knows the routine well. Shoes and coat off, go to the bathroom, diaper on, then upstairs for story and nap.

As we approach the bathroom, Xavier begins protesting. Well, he was already protesting, but now it ramps up. I tell him it is time to get ready for nap.

He protests.

I tell him he doesn’t have to go potty, but I need him to sit on the toilet for a minute while I get his diaper ready.

Note that at no time during this whole process do I ask him a question.

I take my time getting his diaper ready. He makes sure I know he doesn’t have to go potty. I assure him that it’s alright, he doesn’t have to go.

Of course, sitting on the toilet for a few moments, he winds up peeing.

Afterwards, while getting his diaper on, he emphatically tells me he doesn’t have to go potty.  Determined little guy.