Phamily Foto Phriday 3-29-13

You would think 2013 would be potentially remembered as the year of Ireland. No, 2013 is going down as the year of dental work.

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It started at the tail end of last year. Just after Christmas Kyle had all four of his wisdom teeth taken out. At once. Poor kid. Here he is whacked out on painkillers hours after the procedure.


2013 dental 02Then early this year Ciárán wound up getting cavities. Oh, not just any cavities, but four of them. And not just any old place – in between his molars – each spot where he has molars, the four corners of his toothline so to speak.


Because he is only 5 years old and is going to have his baby molars in for several years to come, he really did need those fillings. Only thing is, because he can be so squirmy he had to go to a pediatric specialist to get his cavities filled. Not only did we pay a premium for the specialist, we had to do so four separate times.

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And then there is Déla.


Her teeth were coming in crooked. Why? Turns out there was so much crowding not all of her teeth could fall out. The orthodontist checked her out, recommended an extraction and it was back to our regular dentist where the extraction took place.


2013 dental 04She took to the extraction like a duck to water. No anxiety whatsoever. She even pretended she was a rock star what with all the attention.



But she’s not done yet. Now that the one tooth is out her adult teeth can start to come in and once those do she is going to get a “space maintainer” or whatever it is to basically help keep her teeth from getting to crowded. And she will have to wear it for several years.

2013 dental 05



Finally, there’s August.



He has a crossbite, and you know what that means.




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See those freckles?