Phamily Foto Phriday 5-24-13

Here is the one picture I have for this week. It’s Ciárán and Xavier at the zoo this morning. I have a bit of stuff to say, but for the uninterested, here’s the picture.


Ugh! Alright, so for Mother’s Day Laura bought a new digital camera. This was a purchase we had been mulling over for some time. With our upcoming trip to Ireland we wanted a nicer camera. And with features like wi-fi, well, we figured now was the time to pick one up at a price we were comfortable with.

So we spend a little over $100 on a 16 megapixel point and shoot camera with wif-fi connectivity. Nice camera, smaller than our previous one – literally half the size of the camera that is only 7 megapixels.

Going to the zoo this morning was something we had planned for a while. Laura teaches in public school, and they had the day off today. Every time we go the zoo Ciárán asks to go into the bug exhibit, which I refuse due to some debilitating Arachnophobia. Since Laura was “off” today (she would be going in to do some planning and conferences in the afternoon) we had planned on the four of us going to the zoo and Laura would take them into to see the bugs.

And everything went pretty much as planned. Although as I tried to take some pictures with the new camera, I simply couldn’t a decent shot. Here are two examples. The one on the left is Laura holding Xavier looking at the Sloth bear cubs, and on the right is Ciárán as we looked at the lion cubs.







Then after getting home I tried to set up the camera’s wi-fi feature. That was an hour wasted. I need to find the manual. We’re happy with the new camera for the most part, but it is certainly going to take some getting used to.