So Where Were We?

Wow, where did last week go?

I had a couple of posts planned on top of my (supposedly) usual Phamily Foto Phriday. Then Xavier got sick (and I mean *SICK*).

Tuesday was a bit of a washout for me. The posts I was working on didn’t “click” into completion as I had hoped. Fine, I thought, I would just chip away at them and get one of them to work for Thursday. Wednesday’s post over at Ask A Great Dad was taking care of itself, and would be easy enough for me to work on Wednesday morning to have it posted that afternoon.

Then things went bad.

I addressed it a bit in my regular Wednesday post on Ask A Great Dad, but as usual there’s more to the story. Tuesday night Xavier threw up. A lot. It was a long night that involved him finally falling asleep in the hallway between the bathroom and his bedroom. That was, of course before more vomiting. I stayed with him and did manage some sleep, but it was a long night.

Wednesday he was doing much better, but definitely out of it. That afternoon he had diarrhea. This meant he wouldn’t be going to school the next day. Thursday was the kids last day in school for the week. Friday was a day off for them and they would also have Monday and Tuesday off. Thursday was just dealing with Xavier, who was still recovering but much better.

And I was able to take August and Déla to see The LEGO Movie Thursday evening because they didn’t have school the next day.

I’m not sure why I didn’t get much done Thursday, but Friday was spent getting ready to take August to Cub Scout Winter Camp. I had to pick up the rental car, pack, fill out paperwork all with the kids home from school. Camp will be the subject of another post.

Coming home Sunday, it turns out Xavier wasn’t the only one who had the stomach bug. Laura and Ciárán had both thrown up. August and I were not feeling great. Sunday was a hazy waste of a day.

That brings us to today. Everybody is pretty much on the mend, but that doesn’t help my post count. Instead of the real posts I had planned for last week as well as one about Cub Scout camp, I offer this up. If nothing else it buys me a little more time until I can devote more attention to a real post.