I am lucky.
Sometimes it takes the misfortunes of others to remind us how lucky we are. This week is a prime example. I am part of a great group of dad bloggers and this week has been tough for a couple of them.
One shared the heartbreaking story of holding his stillborn son.
Another talked about taking his infant son back to the hospital.
My kids are fine. Laura’s pregnancy is progressing well. We have enough to eat and a roof over our heads.
It can be easy to focus on the things we want or the things we don’t have. So many of us have more than we need, so much more than most.
Focusing on the things we want or don’t have is easy. It can often be a chore to remember to count our blessings, to be grateful for what we do have.
We don’t always know what trials and tribulations others are going through. It can be brave to share some of your most vulnerable moments and I thanks these dads and so many others for sharing theirs.
And for reminding me how lucky I am.