Phamily Foto Phriday 3-28-14

march 14 misc 20My kids had last Friday off from school. Instead of a “mid-winter” break they had a 4 day weekend. The following Monday was off, but booked up with an orthodontist appointment (another post coming about that) but what was I going to do about Friday?

We went to the Seattle Aquarium.

This used to be August’s favorite place to visit. He still enjoys it, but at the age of 10 he’s beginning to be more interested in things like Minecraft or playing Magic: The Gathering. When he heard there was a new Sea Lion named Chewbacca he was more than eager to go. This is in addition to the new(ish) enclosure for the Harbor Seals which was under construction the last time we visited.

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I got plenty of cool shots, and I won’t bore you with all of them. I did want to share these from the underwater dome. The one with Ciárán putting his arm around Xavier to show him certain fish is among my favorites.

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Afterwards we went out to lunch at Red Robin (there’s a location along the waterfront not too far away). Just me and the 4 kids, and while I was a little apprehensive they all behaved well. Here are some of the kids on the waterfront on the way there.

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