Phamily Foto Phriday 10-31-14

Yes, it is Halloween, and no, I don’t have any pictures of kids in costumes.


That will be another post, probably tomorrow.

Last Friday was  decent day, weather-wise, and Xavier took advantage be tromping through the leaves on the way to school.


Monday was one of the days for gymnastics signups for the winter session. Here are Xavier and Tevye waiting in line. Sort of.


Tuesday was the last day of preschool for the week. Well, for all the kids it was the last day of school because of parent-teacher conferences. Only preschool had a Halloween celebration. Here is Xavier in the family’s Pikachu costume (which August wore back when he was in preschool).


We carved our pumpkins this week too.







Finally we have August reading to Xavier and Ciaran before bed last night.
