Phamily Foto Phriday 11-14-14

11-14-14-1 ciaran holding tevyeI don’t remember exactly which day it was, but Ciaran asked if he could hold Tevye. We knew it wouldn’t be very successful, but Ciaran certainly tried his best and was able to hold him for a moment. Then Tevye started slipping. Of course my initial reaction is to take a picture rather than rush over to make sure the baby is safe. Well, Laura was right there in case things started to go really bad.

Look at the size comparison of the two. Tevye is getting huge! He had his 6 month checkup on Tuesday and is in the 97th percentile for both height and weight. He’s a big kid.

One day this week I managed to get a picture of Xavier and I playing a board game in the morning before going off to preschoool.

11-14-14-2 xavier boared game

Wednesday was Ciaran’s first Cub Scout outing. We went to Carkeek Park and had a guided tour from somebody who works at the parks department to look at the salmon coming up stream. It started getting dark by the time we started, so while we saw a bunch of salmon I couldn’t get a good picture of any of them.

11-14-14-3 ciaran cub scout salmon

After learning about the life cycle of salmon we played a game. All in all a successful first Cub Scout outing and Ciaran had fun.

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Here is the dining room table after school on Thursday. August, Dela and Ciaran are each working on homework. If you look closely you’ll also see each of them have a container filled with some sort of after school snack.

11-14-14-5 kids homework after school