

I’m waiting for George R. R. Martin to finish writing his Game Of Thrones/Song Of Fire And Ice series before I start reading it. I’m probably going to wait to watch the series until I read the books.

breaking badWe waited so long to get Netflix. The only reason we finally “broke down” and subscribed was because a friend of ours wanted to watch Breaking Bad with us. We are close to the end (as I type this we have 5 episodes left in the series). He is leaving town for Thanksgiving and hopefully we can finish watching the series before he leaves because we really don’t want to wait to finish.

As I type this on Saturday morning Ciárán is taking his piano lesson. Déla already had hers and August will have his next. I have to sit here because Ciárán needs more guidance. Occasionally I will have to tell him to quite being goofy or to stay on task. These are things the teacher *should* feel free to tell him, but I think because she is in our home as well as probably her personality she doesn’t. That’s fine. I don’t mind too much, but I can’t really do too much while waiting for his lesson to be done.

the dark tower book seven kingI waited for Stephen King to finish writing his Dark Tower series before reading them. I have the first four books, then life sort of got in the way. Now I’m not sure what to do. I probably waited too long to find the same type of edition as the other four. I like to have all my books in a series to be from the same editions. I really hate mixing up hardcover with paperback for example. Then there is the issue of cover art. Oh well. I may wind up simply getting the whole series in one fell swoop in mass-market paperback then selling my larger sized trade paperbacks.

Then again maybe I’ll just get the audio books.