Dammed Up

The way we watch television has changed. Not only is watching live television becoming a thingĀ of the past, but watching television itself is as well. I’m not fighting it so much, but do still prefer to sit down in front of my television and watch whatever it is that I’m choosing to… er, watch.

These days I not only watch stuff that is recorded on my DVR but also on Netflix as well as online via a network’s website. When I’m watching something through a network’s website I don’t mind when commercials are inserted and I can’t skip them.

Usually I prefer to watch my television programs on television, but sometimes logistics dictate I watch online. Sometimes when I’m watching a show online there’s a bit of lag where the audio and video stops or doesn’t synch up. That can be problematic, but it’s not so much of a deal breaker. What I do mind, however, is when the show’s stream has a lot of lag and there is none during the commercials.

It doesn’t happen a lot, but when it does, it is really noticeable and makes me want to stop watching that program altogether, regardless of doing do online or on the television.