The Stroller Condom

Tevye is our sixth child. That’s a lot of parenting experience so far.

Recently I purchased a rain cover for the stroller. Well, the replacement stroller. It was cheap enough and I figured I would be using it a lot this winter.

tevye stroller dec 2014The last time I was in this position of having to use the stroller every day to take kids to school and pick them up was three years ago when Ciaran was in preschool and Xavier was a small baby. The stroller we had during that time had a fantastic canopy and did a decent job of preventing the rain from getting a child wet.

Before that? Our lives were very different and Laura wasn’t gone during school pick-up and drop off.

But now I have a rain cover for the stroller. It only goes to show that even with as many kids as we have there is still something new and unexpected to look forward to.