Self-Centered Doubts

Sometimes I wonder why I started this blog. Despite the success I recently enjoyed with NaBloPoMo, I still have difficulty coming up with things to post. Even the Music Monday posts, which I enjoy immensely, are a chore to work on half the time.

Parenting? Supposedly the “focus” of this blog, right? There are only a couple of posts in all the years of my blogging where I have any actual advice or wisdom. Mostly I’m simply chronicling events which are of interest to a very few. Every great once in a while I will write something I am actually proud of. And nobody reads it.

I have been writing online for a almost a decade and a half and at times I feel my “craft” has gotten better. Most of the time, however, I can’t seem to hold a candle to nearly every other blogger out there. So many other dad bloggers out there started after me and their writing is so much better than mine. Sure, there are guys out there who have been blogging forever or were professional writers and of course it is expected they would be great at blogging with evocative imagery and emotion. After all this time I would have liked to at least approach being able to create some of that. Go ahead, read the last month’s worth of posts and tell me what you find.

Does this mean I am throwing in the towel? No, I’m just wallowing in self-pity and wanted to share. Misery loves company.