Yesterday was Veteran’s Day.
This is a federal holiday, a day off. Both schools were off. Public schools had the day off as well as the kids’ school. This meant everybody would be home and we could enjoy a day off together. Maybe we would get to do something fun.
First there were the orthodontist appointments. Yes, plural.
Déla got an expander placed into her lower jaw. This took a little while, but fortunately not too long. August and Ciárán were both simply getting a routine check for their ongoing orthodontic work. Thankfully I had been able to get them all scheduled to be seen if not concurrently at least back to back.
Then there was Tevye’s doctor’s appointment. Nothing serious, just an 18 month old well visit, but still a trip to the doctor’s office. We used the opportunity for everybody to get to the clinic to have their flu shots. Since we were there it was also time to get Déla the second in a series of immunization shots.
A quick trip to the doctor?
Not quite.
Laura had a dentist appointment in the middle of the afternoon as well. The kids mostly hung out and played video games or whatever, so there was some enjoyment of the day off.
Déla had gymnastics in the evening which required a bit of logistics as far as transportation and coordination because Laura had her faith group to attend..
Yes, a relaxing day off.