Yesterday during out regularly scheduled D&D session we had a bit of an animal encounter that we will certainly remember for quite some time.
During our lunch break I heard a “thunk” against the back windows. I turned and saw a few feathers floating down. I went to the window to look in the back yard expecting a dead or disoriented bird. What I saw was something much more exciting.
There was a hawk standing in our yard. I wouldn’t have expected a hawk to fly into our window, but it appeared to be fine. Upon closer examination I noticed the hawk had a smaller bird in its talons.
I did what any self-respecting father would do. I called all the kids over to watch.
For about 2 or 3 minutes we watched the hawk which had a tenuous grasp on its prey. It was still alive (well, mostly) and it appeared the hawk would not be able to fly off with the small bird firmly in its grasp without losing it. It was also obvious the hawk noticed us at the window and was being protective of its meal.
About 2 or 3 minutes of this the hawk finally flew off with its prey. We finished our lunch and went back to our D&D game. Some of the kids were absolutely fascinated, a couple were sort of disgusted, but nobody turned away from the hawk and its prey until it flew off.