Want A Sandwich?

We usually have the kids make their lunches for school the night before. It saves time and hassle in the morning. Ciárán, currently in 2nd grade, appears to be going through a growth spurt. Each night as he makes his lunch he asks if he can make himself a sandwich to eat. He just eats peanut butter sandwiches, not peanut butter and jelly. Most nights currently he makes a peanut butter sandwich for his lunch and another to eat as he is making his lunch.

Each night he comes up to Laura and me asking if we would like a peanut butter sandwich.

It is such a sweet question. He is never prompted to ask others if they would like what he is fixing for himself. He is being genuinely generous about wanting to make a peanut butter sandwich for us.

Every night we decline. And he still asks us the next night.