I know, I know…. It has been a few weeks, but not for want of things to post.
I am going to start and end this post with two (short) videos. in between will be a big batch of pictures. Strap in. We’ll start off with our toddler in one of the favorite costumes, one this household has seen quite a bit of use out of.
Ciaran has taken to teaching Xavier how to play one of his favorite board games.
Christmas Eve means tracking Santa’s whereabouts.
Christmas Eve all the kids were part of the mass. August was an altar server, Dela did one of the readings, Ciaran was a greeter, Tevye lent his voice whenever (and from wherever) he felt necessary, and Xavier was one of the kids who helped “deliver” the baby Jesus to the manger.
Santa brought an air hockey table.
Tevye had a rough day. Such emotional highs and lows for the little guy.
Christmas dinner (Indian take-out) saw us wearing our paper crowns from the Christmas crackers we had.
Boxing day… you can see the snowflakes hanging from our ceiling and Christmas tree in the background, dad drinking coffee from my Darth Vader mug wearing a crown left over from the previous night and a pile of presents still to be put away.
And more air hockey getting played. Marianne, our oldest friend and kids’ godmother came in from Boston to stay for a week.
Earlier this week at the den meeting it was time to make stuff out of recycled material. Here they are working on a jet pack.
One day Tevye decided he would simply forego naptime.
At gymnastics Dela made it to the top of the rope to ring the bell.
Finally here is August showing off one of his favorite Christmas presents.