Phamily Foto Phriday 3-4-16

Phamily Foto Phriday 3-4-16

Yes, it has been a couple of weeks, I know. And I don’t even have pictures of each of the kids to make up for it.

Here is Ciaran getting a little recognition for attending Cub Scout Winter Camp.


Last week I took Xavier and Tevye to the zoo one morning. I keep meaning to write up a blog post about this.3-4-16-3

It took a couple of times going by but on our way out we finally saw the tiger.


Went in to wake Tevye from nap one day and found him like this.


Do you know how hard it is to take a picture while holding on to the child riding the mechanical horse?


Preschool celebrated Dr.Seuss’s birthday earlier this week.


And  that’s all I have.