National Single Parent Day

Did you know it is National Single Parent Day?

Who comes up with these things? The answer might surprise you. In 1984 it was a decree by President Ronald Reagan.

I was surprised to learn this today.

For much of my life I was raised by a single mother. In many ways every day was single parent day. The idea was, on a national level, to offer some appreciation to those families where, by whatever the circumstances, one parent was no longer a part of the equation.

Several states are currently considering legislation addressing divorce and the default award of custody to one parent with the other being relegated to “visitor” status.

The National Parents Organization is working with various legislators to work on laws that would include as much as possible both parents in various court documentations. Advocacy for both parents as well as children can be a tricky thing. The three parties do not necessarily have mutual interests. It is in finding those and working towards the greater good for the kids that The National Parents Organization is finding its purpose.

It is not just divorce The National Parents Organization is tackling. Go through their website. Check them out. You will find articles on foster families, parenting equality, spousal abuse and more.

It may be National Single Parent Day, and let’s celebrate those single parents and offer them our support. Then let’s work to make it so they aren’t alone.