A couple of big things happened over the last week. I’m glad I have this regular feature on the blog to document them.
First up is Easter.
The kids were up ridiculously early, especially when compared to how late they were up Baseball 2016the night before.
So… much… candy!
And for the egg hunt they all tore out the door so quickly I could only manage a couple of pictures before the eggs were all picked up.
I was constantly reminding everybody to leave some for Tevye to find.
The whole thing lasted about 30 seconds.
Also this week August got a tooth extracted – his final baby tooth that was wedged in so hard it just wouldn’t budge.
A couple of days later we were at the orthodontist. While waiting we got some donuts.
Waiting? For Ciaran.
This week also marked the first week of T-ball and Baseball. Xavier is doing T-ball…
And Ciaran is doing machine pitch baseball.
Finally, here is Tevye helping me put together a new stroller.