No “last day of school” pictures from me. I do pictures on the first day and I figure that’s good enough. Besides, I’m snapping pictures of the kids all the time. At least, I’m trying to.
A couple of weeks ago one of the boys in August’s Boy Scout troop was working on his Eagle Scout project. It required quite a bit of help, so much so even Ciárán who isn’t a Boy Scout was allowed in on the project. Here is August and Ciárán (and a different Boy Scout) during the lunch break.
We made it to another Mariners game. Well, some of us did. By the way, that’s an Aquasox hat on Ciárán, his favorite. They are the single-A minor league team for the Mariners.
And yes, that slice of pizza is about as big as her head.
Ciárán kept asking if the cotton candy was edible. Weird kid.
During the 9th inning we moved down from our seats to hopefully catch a foul ball. No such luck. Ciárán just relaxed, so he wouldn’t have been able to catch one anyway.
Lots of various appointments this week, including orthodontist and dentist appointments. Things are looking good for everybody.
I caught my cousin’s husband Clint McCune (hey, family is family) at a place not too far from where I live. It was just me, but I probably should have taken a couple of the kids. That guitar is the one he took when he played a concert on Mount Everest.
And just in case you didn’t think Tevye was acting cute this whole time.
Xavier lost his first tooth.
In addition to appointments for people’s teeth we had some “well-child” doctor’s appointments. Everything looks good on this front as well. Tevye was so ridiculously compliant and cooperative during the appointment.
And that’s it.