It’s been over a month and I have a lot to post so I’m breaking this up into a few chunks, starting with this one.
I don’t remember why but I had to go to the school for some reason and ran into Xavier.
We decorated our Christmas tree
We waited until after Tevye was in bed to do it. It was one of the few good ideas that were actually executed this season.
Tryouts for the middle school musical took place with Dela going for one of the roles. August opted to work backstage this year.
With it being the Christmas season there were the series of school concerts. Here is Dela in an outfit from India one of Laura’s co-workers had given her. And yes, that’s August over her shoulder.
August wasn’t terribly happy with his performance that night.
Here is Ciaran realizing I was in range to take a picture.
And Xavier
Then there was the day of snow. Some kids woke up ridiculously early.
Ciaran, Xavier and Tevye got to play in the street before getting ready for school.
And of course there was time in the backyard before school as well.
This was Tevye’s first real taste of snow.
By the end of the day most of it was gone, unfortunately.
It was a long day for some.
And thus ends part one of my catch-up posts.