Phamily Foto Phriday 1-20-17

Phamily Foto Phriday 1-20-17

Yes, this is Monday. I know this is late. This post was actually ready to go up on Friday, but I was busy getting ready to go to Cub Scout Winter Camp. And that will be a separate post.

Here are a few pictures of the kids and what they have been up to recently.

Tevye brought his toast into the front room one day. He looks so much like Xavier did at this age.

Over Christmas break we started putting a bunch of puzzles together to pass the time. It was very fun and Dela helped with all  of them, with Ciaran and Xavier helping occasionally. I think since Christmas Break started we have completed about 7 or so.

When you gotta put out the fires but first a painting needs to be done.

Ciaran started Karate in November and has progressed enough to take his first belt test.

He really likes this activity and has now advanced to a white belt with black stripe.

This was the best picture I could get of him working with a partner for a takedown.

Xavier came VERY close to beating me in Strageto. Notice the placement of my flag.