Phamily Foto Phriday 8-25-17 (The End Of A Busy Summer – or – Why No Updates?)

Phamily Foto Phriday 8-25-17 (The End Of A Busy Summer – or – Why No Updates?)

The “best laid plans” and all that. This summer has been so ridiculously busy, and you can tell partly because I haven’t updated much. If you follow me on Facebook you have *some* idea of what has been going on, but let’s head back a few months to when school got out. Yes, it’s been that long.

I love that Dela is self-confident in her silliness.

When all the schools were finally out (the kids school was out a week ahead of public school) we headed down to the Oregon coast. Our friend (and kids’ godmother) Marianne joined us. This was taken in Fort Stevens, just outside of Astoria.

The water had not really warmed up yet.

Coming back from Oregon I took Xavier and Ciaran to Cub Scout resident camp. I brought August along to help, and it was needed.

Then it was Ciaran’s turn for a birthday and he opted to celebrate by going to a VR arcade.

Then there was the week we were sick. A couple of long nights. It got so bad people were sleeping on the floor instead of in bed.

That weeks was followed by the weekend Dela and I drove down to Tacoma. We spent almost all of Saturday and Sunday down there. It’s not geographically far but there is so much traffic now it feels like it.

A couple of days later when four of the six children living in the house were away at CYO camp I took Tevye and Grace to the zoo.

Oh, we are in trouble.

And then there was the week I helped out at Cub Scout Day Camp. The them was Cubs At Sea and one day they actually got to go out on the Sea Scout ship.

Then it was back down to the Oregon coast for Boy Scout camp for a week. Here is August working on his Metalwork merit badge.

We got to watch the eclipse from our back yard, but didn’t have enough glasses so we each took turns. Actually we didn’t have any of the proper eyewear and it was our neighbor who wound up saving the day for us.

And that’s going to do it. So many of these events warrant their own blog post and I hope to be able to get to them as soon as school starts up next week.