Phamily Foto Phriday 1-26-18

Phamily Foto Phriday 1-26-18

Alright, so  it’s been a couple of months, and I’ve addressed part of that earlier this week.

Let’s just jump into the pictures and catch up on things.

We’re going to start off with a picture of Grace, smiling as usual.

Tevye attended his first birthday party back in December. It was at a bouncy house facility and he had a heck of a lot of fun.

Of course Christmas came and we decorated the tree.

And attended the Christmas concert at school.

There was an opportunity for a service project a bit before Christmas participating in Wreaths Across America. I took August, Ciaran and Xavier to help lay wreaths  on veterans gravestones.

This sequence of three pictures as we were picking up Chinese food really starts with the expression on Tevye’s face.

Because once they start…

they just don’t stop.

Christmas came and presents were opened.

This is (mostly) family from Ireland. The night my dad passed away a bunch of us gathered at my aunt Mairead’s house. I can actively remember about half of these people’s names.

Getting back home Dela had another competition for Irish dance. It was nice to be away just the two of us.

And she got her first “up-do” as well.

She didn’t get the results she was hoping for, but it was still a good trip.

That’s going to be it for this time. Hopefully it won’t be nearly as long next time.