Phamily Foto Phriday 6-1-18 (Including The Last Bits From Another Week Away And Camporee)

Phamily Foto Phriday 6-1-18 (Including The Last Bits From Another Week Away And Camporee)

Shut up, I know this isn’t going up on a Friday. Life happens.

Let’s start with a few of the last pictures I’m going to share from the Washington D.C. trip. Here is August at Monticello next to a stature of “Tommy Jeff” (as the kids were saying).

At the University of Virginia they have a section of the Berlin Wall.

Another section, the largest outside of Berlin, is also at the Newseum, which also has a balcony with a fantastic view of the Capitol Building.

Here we are at Arlington National Cemetery.

We got back late Friday night then had to get up early Saturday morning for Camporee. Here’s Ciárán working on setting up his tent (with some help).

One of the activities the boys got to participate in was plant identification.

Another station involved building a fire to a certain height.

Then there was the station where water from one bucket had to go into another bucket.

And it wouldn’t be Camporee without throwing sharpened metal.

How about some archery?

The rain that night was bad. Torrential. Reminiscent of the rain storms on our trip to Washington D.C. Everybody was wet the next morning, but those who stayed had a great morning to wake up to. We happened to have french toast available to us. Well, you wouldn’t know it was french toast the way Ciárán ate it.

Then there was Habitat Day for the first grade. Here is Xavier’s project for the hippopotamus. the picture was taken at our last trip to the zoo a month and a half ago.

Here he is ready to present to the school.

One day during lunch Grace held her peanut butter tortilla to her face for five minutes. I still have no idea why.

Memorial Day August, Ciárán, Xavier and I planted flags on veteran’s graves. I think we might make this an annual participation.

Later that day we played Munchkin Booty.

There was also a field trip to explore animal habitats at the zoo. No, I didn’t get to see the hippopotamus. I wound up needing to leave the group early to pick Tevye up from preschool, but I was able to be there for about half the field trip.

Xavier really liked being able to share the zoo with Grace, and the feeling was mutual.

Then one day on the way home I snapped this.

That’s a lot, and plenty for this time.