A Minor Complaint

You know what I hate about loaning out my van?

We have the 12 seater passenger van, the Millennium Falcon, which we purchased a few kids ago as we were outgrowing the minivan and could fit the kids we had but none of their friends. Add to that the fact we were staring down the face of years of Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, well, we knew we were going to need something with a bunch of seats.

Having other people use the van has never been an issue. I am more than happy to let others drive it for an event if I am unable to attend. Every couple of months the Boy Scouts need it to get where they are going. A couple of times a year the school needs it for a parent driven field trip.

Earlier this week the 8th grade had a field trip to … doesn’t matter where (it was a play). The point was that this was a parent transported field trip and they needed the van to transport people. Since I couldn’t attend I was happy to loan out the van. One of the mothers had driven the van before so she was comfortable getting behind the wheel with a full load of 8th graders.

I had no problem with this.

Since I was unable to chaperone this field trip, unable to be a driver, I was happy to have the van be available for use.

My complaint, and I know it is a dumb one, it is putting the car seats back in.

If you have ever had to install car seats you can understand the frustration I experience on a regular basis. Well, maybe not regular as in weekly, but often enough that it is a nuisance. It never stops me from loaning out the van, but each time I consider saying something to the effect of:

“Can you take out and reinstall the car seats?”

It is, ultimately, a minor annoyance.

One that I should probably just shut up about.