Vancouver Island Part 2 (Summer Catch-Up Part 5)

I probably should have put these next two pictures in with the previous Vancouver Island post, but here they are. After visiting the Royal B.C. Museum we went through Chinatown.

That includes Fan Tan Alley, an interesting flea market style collection of shops.

The next day was my birthday, and we went whale watching, though we had to get up early in order to get there on time.

Everybody was ultimately happy to have gone, but those moments before launching were, admittedly, a bit rough.

Getting going, however, lifted everybody’s spirits.

There was quite a bit of wind out on the water, and with the chop it could be difficult to stand up straight – at least for those of us who are not used to being off of land.

Ciaran would take off his glasses so he wouldn’t lose them when outside of the cabin.

Tevye had a little bit of a difficult time being patient, but he did a great job.

There was a nice area above the main cabin where the ship’s captain steered from with a few seats, but just a few so people had to rotate in and out, or up and down as it were.

Here is Tevye and myself, waiting for one of the whales to resurface.

Oh, look, there’s one.

And another.

How close did we get?

Did I mention we had to get up early?

We kept Grace in the backpack carrier for just about the whole trip. The boat was too small and open for us to feel safe having her running about.

That evening we celebrated my birthday. You might recognize the picture as I have been using this as my profile picture on Facebook.

That’s going to be it for this installment. I am slowly gettingĀ  caught up with things, but there are a few more from this trip to get posted.