This Monday will be my 246th spin class. I really didn’t expect to last this long.

No, really, I didn’t.

If you know me, then you know I’m not a fan of exercising. If you actually see me then you can be certain of it.

Some people get energized by exercise. Laura certainly does. She feels better afterwards. Apparently those endorphins you hear about are a real thing for her.

Not for me.

After exercising the only thing I feel is hungry and tired.

I went through and counted all my past classes since the studio opened last year.


Frankly, because I was curious.

Currently I am going 4 days a week, and if they had more 5:30 a.m. classes I would go more often. There is a 6 a.m. on Fridays that I do wish was a half hour earlier.

Not because I like exercising (but this place does come about as close to enjoyable as I’ll probably ever get), but because I need to get my fat ass into some sort of shape and be healthier so I can see my kids at least make it to college.

I am kind of proud of myself for sticking with this. The fact that it’s only a few blocks away helps greatly. I do have to admit it would be nice to see more people I know taking a class with me (take the hint, locals).