Grey Days (Or Is It Gray)

It’s been a pretty decent autumn so far. The amount of rainfall has been measurable, but not outrageous. There have been a number of sunny days as well as warmer temperatures.

I am not complaining about this at all.

Actually, it’s been great.

Most mornings when I go to my spin class it has been fairly bearable.. Don’t get me wrong, it is cold walking the three and a half blocks in shorts and a t-shirt at 5:15 in the morning, and sometimes a little wet.

I had a brief chat with the instructor this morning about the season. She is from Detroit, which has four distinct seasons, unlike Seattle, which has three, mostly two. She was saying how the season is beginning to get to her what with all the overcast skies and driving home in the dark after work.

While the overcast skies don’t bother me as much, there are plenty of people who are affected. There have been a few recent years, however, where I’ve been ready for the rain to be over with. With Daylight Savings Time recently having ended (and needs to  permanently end, but that’s another topic), the days getting shorter, and of course the skies being overcast more and more, things can seem pretty bleak.

As it is right now,typing this, there is a steady light grey from end to end. There is no rain, which is what I mainly care about. The temperature could be a bit warmer, but, hey, this is all mild compared to what could be.

My point in mentioning all of this?

I’m not sure.

The season, or change in season (maybe it’s more of a shift because our Autumn really is lengthy, less winter and more of an extended, darker, colder Autumn) has been on my mind a bit recently. Sometimes I am beginning to wonder if I am starting to be affected by the overly grey skies. Or is it gray skies?

The further along in this blog post I get the further away I seem to be getting from whatever point I was trying to make.

I guess I’ll just end it here.