
Today is stressful.

Déla and I leave town tonight, headed to Portland. This means she will be missing a day of school tomorrow, but the reason is she participating in the Western U.S. Region Oireachtas, an annual dance competition that is a bit of a big deal.

She is participating in two team dances and also a solo dance. There has been a LOT of practice over the last several weeks. Hours of extra practices on the weekends. So much so that she is wiped out by the end of Sunday.

So, there’s packing for myself and Déla that has to happen. Competition prep that needs to be taken care of. And helping set up the house for my absence (making sure there is enough food,easy to prepare meals, etc.).

On Saturday August and Ciáran are headed on a Boy Scout overnight outing. I need to make sure they have the ingredients they need to bring, as well as make sure they get started on their preparations. Since I’m going to be gone on Friday, when they normally would be packing, some of that needs to begin today.

This is going to be a short blog post because I don’t have time to write.

But at least I’m getting something up.