NaBloPoMo 2018 Post-Mortem

With 2018’s National Blog Post Month behind me I wanted to give a little reflection on it, my feelings about how I performed.

While technically I did manage to get in 31 posts the month of November I am not feeling great about the accomplishment. Yes, I know November has only 30 days, I am counting the December 1 post in the count as it was always meant to be, as I was mapping out my endgame, the final post, only I didn’t quite expect my Summer Catch-Up series to go on quite as long as it did.

So why am I not feeling great about this accomplishment? I mean, I didn’t even TRY NaBloPoMo the last two years.

Let me break it down.

Of the 31 posts, half were photo collections in my “catch-up” series. Take those out and in all honesty, I don’t know how many of them I would have been able to replace with “real” blog posts. Heck, even a couple of what would be regular NaBloPoMo posts were about blogging or NaBloPoMo itself. That would give me a less than .500 batting average.

I would have liked to have more current posts and fewer of those “catch-up” posts.